S-590.29.700 [2013-02] Drinkability


This method describes the terms drinkability or enjoyment value.

Scope of Application

beer, beer-based beverages, non-alcoholic beverages, mineral water


The term drinkability is frequently used with regard to the sensory quality of beer and other beverages. It refers to the ease of consumption or enjoyment value of beverages.

A special harmony or balance is considered to be the basis for drinkability. An even more important characteristic, which in essence is responsible for a high level of drinkability, is the inviting nature of the beverage for the consumer to drink more – naturally within the bounds of self-imposed responsibility when consuming alcoholic beverages.

Since the term drinkability is considered very subjective, it is generally not applied in objective sensory analysis. Furthermore, to date no generally recognized method with statistical certainty exists for the determination of drinkability or the enjoyment value of a beverage.
