B-400.21.131 [2020-10] Xanthohumol and Isoxanthohumol – HPLC

The prenylflavonoid xanthohumol is found in raw hops, pellets, ethanol extract as well as in xanthohumol-enriched hop products; however, xanthohumol is not present in hop extract processed with CO2 due to its solubility attributes [1]. Interest in xanthohumol has intensified in medical, health and technical brewing circles. Enriching beer with xanthohumol can be achieved through the use of certain hop products and also with technology specifically adapted for this purpose [2, 3, 4, 5].

Within the framework of the Reinheitsgebot (the German Purity Law for beer) and by means of special brewing procedures, unisomerized xanthohumol can be retained in the finished beer in relatively high concentrations [5]. However, with dark beers brewed using a portion of dark specialty malt, it is possible that PVPP stabilization only results in a slight loss in xanthohumol content.

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Determination of xanthohumol and isoxanthohumol

Scope of Application

All beers, beer-based beverages, wort, ethanol extracts, CO2 spent hops and xanthohumol products


Xanthohumol and isoxanthohumol are dissolved with acetonitrile from the sample and following separation, are determined using a Nucleodur C18 column and UV detection.
