The Objectives and Accomplishments of MEBAK®

MEBAK (Central European Commission for Brewing Analysis) comprises representatives from state and private brewing institutes in Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic and Switzerland, as well as leaders from those nations’ brewing industries.

The goals of MEBAK are to develop and evaluate methods for the scientific analysis of raw materials, intermediate products, additives, processing aids, beverages, especially of beer and beer-based beverages as well as product containers and packaging materials, in order to achieve a level of standardization primarily in the field of malting and brewing and in the industries which serve as their suppliers.

Through the introduction and description of modern, practical methods for brewing analysis, practitioners should be provided with tools that enable the reliable scientific analysis of raw materials, intermediate products, and finished beer products, as well as packaging, in order to meet the quality standards required in the industry.

MEBAK has developed the multiple volume 'Brautechnische Analysenmethoden' (Brewing Analysis Methods) collection, which has been distributed globally and serves as educational material for various vocational training and educational facilities for brewing professionals (e.g. VLB/TU Berlin, TUM‑Weihenstephan, Doemens).

MEBAK also carries out performance tests on new laboratory equipment, supports university and industry research projects and promotes cooperation between other institutes, such as state and private laboratories (for example, within the scope of collaborative trials) as well as between European and American technical and scientific umbrella organizations (European Brewery Convention (EBC), American Society of Brewing Chemists (ASBC), Cerveceros Latinoamericanos (formerly called ALAFACE)) involved in beer brewing and beverage production.

The objectives and most of the work of MEBAK involves gathering, documenting and publishing the multiple volumes known collectively as “Brautechnische Analysenmethoden” (Brewing Analysis Methods), which is now considered a standard reference work. The task of translating Brewing Analysis Methods volume by volume began in 2008. In addition, MEBAK publishes guidelines on various topics relevant for the brewing industry.

The year 2021 marks the beginning of a new era for the "Brewing Technical Analysis Methods". The online method database of MEBAK now offers daily up-to-date access to each method and a detailed research option via the full text search.
