W-010.13.151 [2021-03] Vinyl Chloride in Drinking Water


The method describes how to determine the content of vinyl chloride in drinking water.

Existing “DEV” (German Standard Methods), e.g., using gas chromatography coupled with a flame ionization detector according to DIN 38407-43:2014 - 10 [1], facilitate the determination of vinyl chloride in water within a range of mass concentrations (5–500 µg/l). These do not exhibit a sufficient level of determination for the analysis of drinking water (refer to the limit threshold). 

Scope of Application

Drinking water intended for use as an ingredient in the production of beer (brewing liquor) or other foods


Vinyl chloride is determined using gas chromatography with detection by means of mass spectrometry (GC-MS) through application of the static headspace technique (HS). This method detects selected volatile organic compounds including chloroethene (vinyl chloride).
